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Product Details
Type of Coffee: Speciality Beans
Beans: Arabica
Strength: 3
Origin: Colombia
Flavour: Balanced Sweet Berry notes, Chewy body & Citric
Process: Fully Washed
Varietals: Colombian, Caturra, Castillo Cultivars
Location: Huila
Altitude: 1200 - 1600 MASL
Delivery: 1-2 Days

Since 1963 Cadefihuila have aimed to transfer the highest possible price to the coffee growers and support training, funding and ongoing investment in the Huila coffee sector.

Huila’s landscape is mountains supporting a variation in climate along with a nitrogen rich soil, making it ideal for growing coffees.
The cooperatives members coffee farms are in the below municipals. Their produce is sold through the year to their local buying stations. payment is based on local market rates and quality premiums.

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